16th Century: portrait reproduction of Vlad Dracula

Ambras Castle portrait of Vlad III (c. 1560), reputedly a copy of an original made during his lifetime.

I normally wouldn’t include a recreated portrait, but it was supposedly based off the original, which is now lost. But I looked at that hat and thought it was worth ab mention. I personally think those rows of  pearls are actually sequins with smaller or even seed-sized pearls. I mean, come on…  It’s painted exactly how pearl studded sequins look.

This would have glittered in candlelight like a medieval disco ball!

17th Century: Beaded drawstring purse

View page at Leslie Antiques

An exceedingly rare beaded purse with multicolored glass beads on a leather base, and with beaded and wood toggle closures. This early purse might be unique because of its age and that the date is actually worked into the decoration as part of the phrase “Gift of a Friend 1632”. The interior of the purse is of a very soft, fine leather, probably deerskin or lambskin.

Especially considering its age the purse is in excellent and exceptional condition, with all the beadwork present. One of the pendent tassels at the bottom is missing, and there is some expected and minor wear to the material above the beadwork. All parts of the bag are structurally sound. The size is 5″ wide by 4 1/2″ tall, not including the tassels or drawstrings.


16th Century: Portrait of Anne of Cleves

Anne of Cleves by Holbein, c.1539 @ The Louvre

16th Century: Portrait of a lady, 1510


Artist:  Conrad Faber
Dated: 1510
Dimensions: 34 cm x 44 cm
Inventory number: 560
Museum:Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp

16th Century: Ventian purse

Translation via Google Translate:


Venice, end of the 16th century.
13x8x6 cm.

Cut velvet dark green silk embroidered in silver-gilt and silver yarn and curly, pearls, the application technique, the technique of blue silk satin stitch, silver sequins. Suspension and borders in gilt silver cord twisted yarn. Pink taffeta lining. The bag, unusual shape, could fulfill most uses: purses, comosuggests chuisa front pocket with a cord, door dust orportaprofumi. Wisely suspended the waist of the dress, very much in vogue, the ‘bag-shaped lute “and very valuable both for the quality of the embroidery and the richness of the materials for setting stistica.The plant motifs that adorn every part of the accessory are made with grace and richness of details highlighted by the many pearls placed in various parts in order to highlight the preziosita. This refined accessory, which certainly emphasized the sumptuousness of a ceremonial dress, it was probably a gift love, how can suggest two hearts pierced by two arrows, according to a custom widespread in the Renaissance.

The original description, in Italian:


Venezia, fine del XVI secolo.
Cm. 13x8x6

Velluto tagliato di seta verde scuro ricamato in argento dorato e argento filato e riccio, perle, nella tecnica di applicazione; seta azzurra nella tecnica del punto raso; pailettes d’argento. Sospensione e bordure in cordoncino intrecciato d’argento dorato filato. Fodera in taffetas rosa acceso. La borsa, forma insolita, poteva assolvere a piu usi: portamonete, como suggerisce la tasca anteriore chuisa da un cordoncino, porta polveri o portaprofumi. Sapientemente sospesa alla cintura dell’abito, come imponeva la moda, la “borsetta a forma di liuto” e alquanto preziosa sia per la qualita del ricamo e la richezza dei materiali che per l’impostazione stistica. I motivi fitomorfi che ornano ogni parte dell’accessorio sono stati realizzati con grazia e ricchezza di particolari evidenziati dalle numerose perle collocate in varie parti per sottolinearne la preziosita.Questo raffinatissimo accessorio, che certo ribadiva la sontuosita di un abito cerimoniale, probabilmente era un dono d’amore, come possono suggerire i due cuori trafitti da due frecce, secondo un’usanza molto diffusa nell’epoca rinascimentale.

© I Mestieri della moda a Venezia dal XIII al XVIII Secolo. Ala Napoleonica E Museo Correr, Venice. 1988.


16th C Pearled Panels

(The last three pics seem to be from a third panel i can so far not find a whole pic of)

From: https://archive.org/details/geschichtederli03bock/page/89/mode/1up?view=theater

Bild 37.
Albenparura. Prag, Domschatz.(Aus Podlaha u. Sittler, Der Domschatz zu Prag) ist bloß eine mit einem solchen ausgestattet, die aus der Neustädter St Johannes-Kirche zu Hannover stammende, mit M. XX 6 bezeichnete Albe im Pro-vinzialmuseum daselbst. Die Bordüre setzt sich aus Vierpässen zusammen,Welche mit einem Wappenschild gefüllt sind und durch Blattwerk voneinandergeschieden werden. Bemerkenswert ist, daß aber auch hier in der Mitte desSaumes die Paruren nicht fehlen. In der Neuzeit ging es den Albenparuren ähnlich wie dem Besatz desAmiktes. Während indessen bei letzterem die Verzierung ganz aufhörte, be-

Bild 38.
AlbeDparura. Prag, Domschatz.(Aus Podlaha u. Sittler, Der Domschatz zu Prag.) 90 Erster Abschnitt. Die liturgischen Untergewänder. gann bei der Albe eine rückläufige Bewegung, indem wieder Vollbordürenan Stelle der Paruren traten. Ein gutes Beispiel einer solchen Albe, eine Schöpfung des 16. Jahr-hunderts, findet sich in der ehemaligen Stiftskirche zu Goß in Steiermark.Der breite Besatz, der sich um den ganzen Eand derselben hinzieht, ist teilsin mehrfarbiger Seide teils in Goldstickerei ausgeführt1. Im allgemeinen hielt das Außermodekommen der Alben- und Amiktparuragleichen Schritt, wie sie ja auch so ziemlich zur gleichen Zeit aufgetretenwaren und in gleichem Maß sich verbreitet hatten. Freilich auch nur imallgemeinen. Denn wie wir noch gegen Ende des 16. Jahrhunderts dort Amikt-besätze antreffen, wo die Zierstücke der Alben, wie es scheint, schon außerGebrauch gekommen waren, so begegnen uns umgekehrt diese hie und danoch, nachdem jene bereits eine Weile von de


16th Century: Bostocke Sampler



All photos Copyright: © Victoria and Albert Museum, London 2017. All Rights Reserved

From the V&A page:

Linen sampler embroidered with silk and metal thread with pearls and beads.In the area above the inscription are the following motifs: an owl in a tree, a dog with collar and lead, a lion passant guardant, a chained and muzzled bear in a field of daisies, a tree with a squirrel and a pelican in her piety, a crouching hind, a spray of cowslips and a small dog with ‘IVNO’ above it. There are also three small motifs that have been unpicked, which appear to be a castle on an elephant, a squirrel cracking a nut, and a raven. All of these motifs are worked in cross stitch except for the large dog which is filled in with closely worked arrowhead stitch. There are also two tiny examples of metal thread interlacing in the top right corner. The rest of the sampler is filled with formal geometrical and floral repeating patterns. These are worked mainly in back stitch, but there are examples of work in more complicated stitches showing that the back stitch was intended to be a grounding for further elaboration. Other stitches include satin, chain, ladder, buttonhole and detached buttonhole filling, couching in patterns, coral, speckling, two-side Italian cross, bullion and French knots and beadwork. The colours are brown, greens, red, pink, blue, white and yellow.
Place of Origin England (made)

Date: 1598 (made)
Artist/maker: Bostocke, Jane (maker)
Materials and Techniques” Embroidered linen with coloured silk and metal threads, seed pearls and beads

The lettering of the inscription is worked in back stitch with Algerian eye stitch punctuation except for the letters ‘BOSTOC’ which are worked in seed pearls over a back stitch foundation.

Dimensions Length: 42.6 cm, Width: 36.2 cm

Object history note: According to research published by Martyn Freeth (see bibliography), Alice Lee and Jane Bostocke were first cousins, both grandchildren of Thomas Lee (1500-62) of Langley and Jane Corbet of Moreton Corbet in Shropshire. The 3 motifs which have been unpicked are crests or badges from Jane’s side of the family, while those still in place are from Alice’s.

Descriptive line: Sampler of embroidered linen with coloured silk and metal threads, seed pearls and beads, made by Jane Bostocke, England, dated 1598.

Bibliographic References:
(Citation, Note/Abstract, NAL no) Browne, Clare and Jennifer Wearden, eds. Samplers from the Victoria and Albert Museum. London : V&A Publications, 1999. 144 p., ill. ISBN 1851773096.
Clabburn, Pamela. Samplers. Princes Risborough : Shire Publications, 1998. ISBN 07478 0365 X, pp.7-9
Roach, Audrey. Secrets of the Sampler. Country Life, 1 May 2003
Tarrant, Naomi, ‘The Jane Bostocke Sampler’ in Shropshire Family History Society Journal vol.29 part 4, p.151
Freeth, Martyn, ‘The Bostocke Sampler – A postcript’ in Shropshire Family History Society Journal March 2009
King, Donald, The Earliest Dated Sampler (1598) : Jane Bostocke’s gift to Alice Lee, Connoisseur, CXLIX, 234 (1962)

Materials Linen; Silk; Metal thread; Pearls; Beads

Techniques Weaving; Embroidery

16th Century: Portraits of sisters, and family.

Family Portrait of Armgard and Walburgis, Countesses of Rietberg and parents, Count John II of Rietberg and Agnes of Bentheim-Steinfurt in Rietberg. Piece was mutilated in 19th-century and reassembled from 3 pieces.Detail: Armgard and Walburgis, Countesses of Rietberg
Portraits by Tom Ring


16th Century: Portraits of Susanna of Bavaria

Artist: Peter Gertner (attr.) – Unknown

Susanna of Bavaria (2 April 1502 – 23 April 1543)
Susannah of Bavaria on Wikipedia

Suzanna of Bavaria, Margravine of Brandebourg-Culmbach by Barthel Beham

16th Century: Portraits of Sophie of Mecklenburg

Sophie of Mecklenburg-Güstrow (4 September 1557 – 14 October 1631)

16th Century: Portrait 1511

Portrait of the Margrave Casimir of Brandenburg
1511, lime panel, Pinakothek at Munich

16th Century: Portraits of Anne of Denmark

Anne of Denmark (12 December 1574 – 2 March 1619), Queen consort of Scotland, England and Ireland

16th Century: Portraits of Barbara Radziwill

Barbora Radvilaitė; 6 December 1520/23 – 8 May 1551) was Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania

More Portraits of  Barbara Radziwill

This is a unique case, being her clothing is so unique and she appears to have many different pieces of this cowl as well as other beadwork so I decided to lump her all into one page.

16th Century: Portrait

Portrait of Felicitas von Wallbrunn, 1539 : Mittelrhein-Museum, Koblenz. Germany  by Hans Abel the Younger (1506-1567)

16th Century: Portrait Wilhelm IV of Bavaria and his wife Jacoba of Baden, 1525

Duke Wilhelm IV of Bavaria and his wife Jacoba of Baden (1526) by Hans Schwab von Wertinger

Museum Veste Coburg

16th Century: Portrait 1545

Conrad Faber Portrait of Anne von Glauburg1545

16th Century: Portrait 1518

 1518 Lucas Cranach (Northern Renaissance Painter, 1472-1553) and his workshop Anna Buchner

16th Century: Portrait 1513

Lucas Cranach (Northern Renaissance Painter, 1472-1553)  and his workshop  Portrait of a Woman 1513

16th Century: Portrait

Lucas Cranach (Northern Renaissance Painter, 1472-1553) and his workshop Princess Maria of Saxony

16th Century: Portrait

Lucas Cranach (Northern Renaissance Painter, 1472-1553) and his workshop Portrait of a Young Lady Holding Grapes

16th Century: Portrait of Saxon Princesses

Lucas Cranach (Northern Renaissance Painter, 1472-1553) and his workshop Portrait of a Young Woman 1530

16th Century: Portrait 1530

Lucas Cranach (Northern Renaissance Painter, 1472-1553) and his workshop Portrait of a Young Woman 1530

16th Century: Portrait 1528

Lucas Cranach (Northern Renaissance Painter, 1472-1553) and his workshop Portrait of a Woman 1528


16th Century: Portrait 1541

LUCAS CRANACH (1472 – 1553) | A Lady in a green velvet and orange dress and a pearl-embroidered black hat – 1541.

16th Century: Beaded Bag

Beaded leather bag, 1630s, British; inscribed ‘heare et is hit or miss’, acorn pattern


A number of beaded bags from the early 17th century survive. Their stylized floral patterns and less expensive materials imitate the elaborate embroidered versions carried by the aristocracy. Many bear mottos or expressions relating to charity, friendship or luck, which suggests that they may have been used for gifts of money. This example is inscribed ‘heare et is hit or miss’.

The development of the ‘drawn-glass’ technique about 1490 allowed the manufacture of large numbers of small, round, coloured beads with a central hole, of the type used in this purse. The glassworks on the island of Murano near Venice were the most famous during the Renaissance, but by the early 17th century the technology had spread to glass-making centres in Amsterdam and Bavaria. Beads were produced mainly for trade with North America and Africa, but they were also sold in Europe for use in embroidery.

The expression ‘hit or miss’ is first recorded in the English language in William Shakespeare’s play Troilus and Cressida published in 1606, where it has the same meaning of random luck that it has today. The expression may have derived from a country dance also known as ‘hit and miss’, recorded as early as 1626.

Text from: https://collections.vam.ac.uk/item/O74982/purse-unknown/http://collections.vam.ac.uk/item/O158778/bag-unknown/

Physical description: A flat, square leather bag, covered with red, white, green, yellow and blue glass beads in a repeating pattern of stylized acorns. It has silver thread loops, silk tassels and holes in the leather for a drawstring

Place of Origin: Great Britain (made)

Date: 1630-1639 (made)

Materials and Techniques: Kidskin, glass beads, linen thread, silk thread, silver thread; hand sewn, hand beaded

Dimensions: Length: 13.0 cm approx., bag only, Width: 14.6 cm approx., bag only

Beaded leather bag, 1630s, British; inscribed ‘heare et is hit or miss’, acorn pattern

Bibliographic References (Citation, Note/Abstract, NAL no): John Lea Nevinson, Catalogue of English Domestic Embroidery of the Sixteenth & Seventeenth Centuries, Victoria and Albert Museum, Department of Textiles, London: HMSO, 1938, p.100

Materials: Kidskin; Glass beads; Linen thread; Silk thread; Silver thread

16th Century: Beaded Portrait

MEASUREMENTS: 6 3/4 by 6 1/2 in.; the panel 4 3/4 by 4 1/2 in.

Delicately worked in polychrome silks, silver and gold metal threads ornamented with seed pearls and glass beads, the face painted on vellum. Gloriana shown standing on a terrace wearing a feather plumed hat worked with seed pearls, with a ruff above a couched bodice with similar ballooned sleeves, the dress diapered with silver thread and sequins and flossed polychrome silk bands, and with a yellow lined short cape, with cut painted paper hands, one holding a plumed fan, the other gloves(?).

The sky worked in silver thread and centered by a shining star above a vista of rolling hills and woods with a town in the upper right, to the left a knotted garden centered by an elaborate fountain surmounted by Eros holding a bow, to the right a small landscape with buildings and enclosed fields with a scene of dogs chasing a stag, partly enclosed by a bower of red roses, white lilies and yellow dog roses, with a pair of birds and a robin.

The foreground with balustrades before a paved terrace, one end with square pot with a climbing white flowers, perhaps eglinton, the foreground with a further balustrade ornamented with roundels enclosing fleurs de lys; the panel within a gold metal thread square tape with silver thread square jewels and with fleur de lys corners, and with an outer blue tape threaded with a gold thread and a red silk snake ornamented with seed pearls, joined at the top, and interspersed with woven green silk leaves. – Sotheby’s

This was sold at Sotheby’s in April of 2004 for $153,600.

16th Century: Russian Mitre

Mitre | Russia; Moscow | 1595

Damask cloth, silver, satin, gold threads, silk threads, pearls | The Kremlin State Historical & Cultural Museums

Belonged to Patriarch Job (1585-1605)

16th Century: Beaded Book

Photograph of a precious 16th century embroidered prayer book with embroidered decorative binding in the collection of the Folger Shakespeare Library.

The rare book volume includes bible Psalms and the cover is embroidered with silver thread, gold thread, and tiny pearls.

From http://www.shakespearelibraryimages.com/stock_photography_images/folger-shakespeare-library-2/?pid=125

16th Century: German-Saxon Portrait

Hans Krell (before 1586). 16th C: Early German-Saxon (Cranach) Gown

16th Century: Pearled Panel

PALIOTTO, detail Sicily, about 1520-1540
Palermo, Cathedral Treasury Detail: 21 x 34 cm.

Velvet with applied work of pearls and gold embroidery; gold ornaments of the 13th century. Figures and foliage scrolls in couched work with applied pearls; gold threads laid in pairs, gold cords for the outlines. Faces embroidered with silk. The paliotto was a gift from Archbishop Jean Carandelet (1520-1544)

Lit.: E. Steingraber, Antique Jewelry, London 1957, p. 40.

Source: Schuette, Marie and Sigrid Muller-Christensen: Pictorial History of Embroidery ; NY: Frederick Praeger, 1964

16th Century: The Annunciation


Upper Rhine, 1513 Basle, Historiches Museum (1882-1892)
Height: 129 cm. Height of the detail: 43 cm. Italian white silk damask. Relief embroidery, or nue’, needle painting. Abundant use of pearls, silver-gilt sequins gold thread. Faces covered with silk and embroidered. The banner was an honorific gift from Pope Julius II to his faithful allies of Basle as a sign of his gratitude for their assistance in the capture of Pavia. On 2nd July 1512, the Council of Basle commissioned the banner in Milan and a year later ordered a copy for use from a foreign embroiderer and from the Basle Goldsmith Jorg Schweiger. His design for the silver-gilt sceptre of the angel was preserved in the Amberbach Collection and is now in the Hostorisches Museum at Basle.

Lit,: W. Schneewind, Die Waffensammlung, Schriften des Historischen Museums III, Basle 1958, p. 74 – A.B. Bruckner, Schweizer Fahnenbuch, p. 171-175, pl. 38.Source: Schuette, Marie and Sigrid Muller-Christensen: Pictorial History of Embroidery ; NY: Frederick Praeger, 1964.

Color photo credit link: Kiriel du Papillon

16th: Drawstring Bag

Pictures & info from: https://www.mfa.org/collections/object/drawstring-bag-119706

Drawstring bag
late 16th–early 17th century

Overall (without tassels and cord): 13.3 x 13 cm (5 1/4 x 5 1/8 in.

Silk satin emroidered with silk, gold metallic threads, metal purl, and seed pearls Braided silk and metallic cords and tassels

Small square drawstring bag. White silk satin embroidered with polychrome silk, gold metallic threads, metal purl, and seed pearls. Design of flower flanked by birds and cornicopias; floral motifs fill out ground. Stitches include laid and couching, scroll couching, satin stitch, raised work, and knots.

Salmon/white/metallic cords with two silk and metallic covered-wood tassels; three similar tassels at base. Pink silk lining. White satin is fraying at top and bottom to reveal vertical pink and green wefts.

16th Century: Painting

Lucretia by Lucas Cranach the Elder,1512

16th Century: Portrait

Portrait of a woman,16th c.

16th Century: Russian Mitre

Mitra ШИТЬЕ/Митра Век: XVI-XVII Место хранения: Государственный музей искусств Грузии Размер: 28,5 х 19,5 Edit
Mitra SHIT'Ye/Mitra Vek: XVI-XVII Mesto khraneniya: Gosudarstvennyy muzey iskusstv Gruzii Razmer: 28,5 kh 19,5

Mitra SEAT / Mitra Century: XVI-XVII Location: State Museum of Art of Georgia Size: 28.5 x 19.5

16th Century: Portrait

Portrait of a woman, possibly by Conrad Faber von Kreuznach, early 16th century

16th Century: Portrait

HEUSLER, ANTON (ATTRIBUTED TO) (Circa 1500 – 1562)

16th Century: Portrait

Portrait of Hedwig Jagiellon, Electress of Brandenburg by Hans Krell, ca. 1537 (PD-art/old), Jagdschloss Grunewald; most probably portrayed in her wedding dress with monogram S of her father Sigismund I of Poland on sleeves

16th Century: Portrait

Portrait of a Woman | Bartholomew Bruyn (the Elder) (Art) | Image Index of Art & Architecture


16th Century: Portrait

Portrait of Sibylla Kessel, detail (ca. 1540-1545)
Bartholomäus Bruyn (the Elder)

16th Century: Geweihter Hut (Hat)

Geweihter Hut



Flaminio de Gatto, (Seidensticker) (around 1565 – 1570)

Hat: black velvet, gold-plated edging, real pearls, sword: silver, gilded, wood, gold cloth


16th Century: Portrait

Élisabeth de Valois, by Juan Pantoja de la Cruz, 1565

Queen consort of Spain
Tenure: 22 June 1559 – 3 October 1568
Born: 2 April 1545 Palace of Fontainebleau
Died: 3 October 1568 (aged 23) Royal Palace of Aranjuez

Bio: https://en.wikipedia.org