Medieval Beads
Historical Beadwork Illuminated: Medieval European Beadwork Research by Jen Funk Segrest
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13th Century: German Panels
CLASS: Introduction to Beadwork in period by THL Grizel
16th Century: portrait reproduction of Vlad Dracula
17th Century: An Killam 1627 beaded purse
17th Century: Beaded drawstring purse
15th Century: altar border with seed beads and brakteats
17th Ventury: footed beaded box
17th Century: beadwork box 1670
17th Century: beadwork box 1680
17th Century: beaded casket 1680
17th Century: bag 1623
17th Century: dressing mirror, 1670
17th Century: Basket, 1650-1700
17th Century: purse 1634
16th Century: Portrait of a lady, 1510
13th Century: Ciborium/Ziborium (Host Box)
13th Century: Cap, belt, cote, mantle, surcote and other fragments of Fernando de la Certa
12th Century: Roger II Coronation Mantle
13th Century: Fredrick II Gloves
17th Century: beaded silk purse
14th Century: Cheb Antependium
13th Century: Halberstadt Antependium
13th Century: Halberstadt Antependium
17th Century: Portrait of a lady with an elaborate jewelled headdress
17th Century: Hungarian wedding dress
17th Century: 1625-1650 Beaded bag
17th Century: 1662 Mirror
17th Century: 1659 Basket
17th Century: 1628 Beaded Bag
16th Century: Portrait of Hedwig Jagiello
16th Century: Portraits of Sophie of Mecklenburg
16th Century: Beaded Bag
16th Century: German-Saxon Portrait
15th Century: Portrait
15th Century: Portrait
15th Century: Portrait
16th Century: Portrait
16th Century: Portrait
17th Century: Cockatrice Jewelry box
14th Century: Reliquary Bag
14th Century: Altar Edging
14th Century: Marienwerder Antependium
13th Century: Halberstadt Mitre
14th Century: Sudarium
13th Century: Square Reliquary Box
13th Century: Shoes of the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II
13th Century: Orphrey, 1220-1224
12th Century Byzantine pearled decorative circle
12th Century: Roger II Dalmatic