14th Century: Sudarium Posted on February 27, 2015 by Jen Segrest Disclaimer All copyrights to any photos or text remain the property of their respectful owners and presented here for research purposes only. Related Items: 14th Century: Reliquary Bag 14th Century: Marienwerder Antependium 14th Century: Cheb Antependium 14th Century: Altar Edging 14th Century: Sudarium with Spangles 13th Century: Halberstadt Antependium 13th Century: Ciborium/Ziborium (Host Box) 13th Century: German Panels 13th Century: Square Reliquary Box 13th Century: Halberstadt Antependium 13th Century: Orphrey, 1220-1224 14th Century: Christ child cloak 13th Century: Halberstadt Mitre 13th Century: Reliquary hanging 12th Century Byzantine pearled decorative circle