15th Century: The Linköping Mitre

Believed to be mitre of Kettil Karlsson (Vasa) (c. 1433 – 11 August 1465)

More info:

  1. Swedish History Musuem page on this item
  2. Another Musuem page on mitre
  3. Research paper: The Linköping Mitre: Ecclesiastical Textiles and Episcopal Identity by Ingrid Lunnan Nødseth

DescriptionCovering gold, silk and pearl embroidery. The Annunciation, S. Peter, S. Paul. Wadstone work. 35 enamel medallions, Christ, apostles, saints. (Exhibited 1997). Deposited in SHM 1868.

RemarkGood, fragile

Events: Surveyed/Collected in Linköping, Linköping, Östergötland, Sweden. Used in Linköping, Östergötland, Sweden.

Material: Textile
Width: 300 mm.
Height: 790 mm.

Theme: On display, T54072
Collection: C4
Inventory number: 3920
Subnumber: 1
SHM Object identity: 96338
Anställd vid SHM SHM

14th Century: Nola Mitre

“Mitre” – Sienese and Southern Italian Goldsmiths, about 1330-1355 – Nola, Cathedral – Angevin Naples – Temporary exhibition – Museum of the Treasure of Saint January in Naples

Color Pictures via flickr user *Karl* – clicking will take you to the pic