14th Century: Sudarium with Spangles Posted on September 7, 2018 by Jen Segrest photo from: http://www.wkneedle.org/stars-spangles-studs/ I am seeking more info on this piece, I am guessing it to be 13-14th century. Unlike Bezants (brakteats) which are like one sided stamped coins with intricate designs, spangles are usually plain and are hung from holes and sparkle. Related Items: 14th Century: Marienwerder Antependium 14th Century: Christ child cloak 14th Century: Altar Edging 14th Century: Cheb Antependium 14th Century: Christ child cloak 14th Century: Borders with brakteats and plaques 14th Century: border with brakteats 14th Century: Crist child cloak 14th Century: Christ child cloak 14th Century: Marienmantelchen 14th Century: Christ child cloak 14th Century: Christ child cloak 14th Century: silk brakteats hanging 14th Century?: border with bratkeats 14th Century: Marienwerder Cope